Hi, there.

🧘‍♂️ About Me 我

Wang Xingbin, a dropout-by-self majored in Civil Engineering of University of South China in the past, a software designer & iOS developer @didiglobal in Beijing, presently, proficient in mainstream technique. Passionate about sharing-to-learn, write blogs with github & jujin.im & xiaozhuanlan.com. Devote to Anybody Can Learn Code. Follow heart to do what I truly love, never rest. Fans of Apple & Steve Jobs, stay hungry, stay foolish. Optimistic believer of Internet & future.

王兴彬,终身学习&在线教育践行者,Swifter,IM 领域深耕中,@滴滴出行·北京,来自井冈山·江西。乐于拥抱新技术,爱学习、好分享。果粉一枚, Steve Jobs 信徒,乐观的未来主义者。工作之余,热衷于未来少儿编程教育( Anybody Can Learn Code),向往自由,崇尚精致,求知若渴、虚心若愚。

🚀 Experience 经历

2020.10 - 至今

Inspire creativity, enrich life. @ByteDance


2018.9 - 2020.10

Developed a enterprise communication & efficiency iOS app. @Didi

滴滴出行 高级软件研发工程师

开发了一个 iOS 应用,D-Chat,桔厂人的协作沟通效率工具。

2017.12 - 2018.9

Ending remote work life, back to Beijing, start working at BearyChat, a Slack-like collaboration tool for business. as an iOS Dev @BearyChat with Swift relative tech stack, e.g, using RxSwift, LayoutKit, Eureka, Apollo for GraphQL, Alamofire and so on,.

BearyChat(倍洽) iOS 开发
一熊科技 项目开发部
结束了一年的远程工作,重新回到北京,加入 BearyChat(倍洽)团队,采用 Swift 相关技术栈进行 iOS 项目开发,使用 RxSwift、LayoutKit,、Eureka、Alamofire 等开源框架,以及 Apollo 进行 GraphQL API 接入。

2015.10 - 2017.11

Working as iOS Dev @FellowPlus.com, recommended by @im61, creator of PriceTag, a independent developer.
* Take charge of maintaining iOS client version 1.0 (Objective-C) firstly
* Develop iOS client version 2.0 with pure Swift from scratch
* Using Moya, Realm, SnapKit and so on.

FellowPlus (法拉数据) iOS 开发主程
白羽毛(FellowPlus)互联网金融服务有限公司 开发技术部门
这是我的第一份 iOS 开发正式工作,非常感谢当初独立开发者柳毅的推荐,工作至今,两年零一个月,前一年半在北京全职,而后远程供职。
* 最初负责 iOS 客户端 1.0 版本(Objective-C)的维护与新功能迭代
* 主导采用 Swift 对 2.0 产品进行开发,负责整体架构、UI界面、数据处理等各核心模块
* 采用 Moya、Realm、SnapKit 等框架

2016.02 - 2016.03

Participate in /Hacking with Swift/ translation ,a private repo launched by twostraws , co-working with Slack & Trello & GitHub, regrettably it is suspended then.

参与《Hacking with Swift》的中文翻译,由英国作者twostraws发起,和其他四位开发者一起通过 Slack、Trello、GitHub 进行协作,不过非常遗憾,之后作者终止了该项目。

2015.08 - 2015.11

Engaged the GeekBand iOS Develop Smart Specialization on the Netease cloud classroom

参加由极客邦和网易云课堂共同开设的iOS开发微专业课程,学习并掌握《Objective-C 高级编程》、《iOS 应用开发实战》、《Swift 高级编程》、《iOS 设计 模式》、《iOS 算法原理与实践》,参与并通过 iOS 实战考核,完成结业项目(蓦然 —— 一个基于地理位置的美食分享社交应用),并最终获取课程证书

2015.07 - 2015.10

Concentrated on learning iOS develop skills at Lamp Brother Bootcamps,finished all lessons in advance.

参与 iOS 开发训练营,由于自己在紧张的训练营课程安排之余,花了更多时间学习其他网络课程,提前了一个月结业并找到第一份工作。

2015.06 - 2015.07

Enjoyed the Producter written by Kevin Zhow, thus, turned to Swift & iOS

自学周楷雯写的《Producter》入门 Swift,并因此喜欢上 iOS 开发。

2015.03 - 2015.06

Dropped out & Worked at Web International English and learned Web develop on jikexueyuan.com


2012 - 2015 ( during university )

Prepared for dropping out & Learned about Internet on Internet eagerly, with FutureLearn.com, Coursera.com, edX.com, study.163.com .etc.

在校期间,通过 FutureLearn.com, Coursera.com, edX.com, 网易云课堂 等在线慕课平台学习了大量互联网与计算机相关课程。

2013 - 2014

Launched learnext.cn, an MOOC & online learning sharing website once there(Deprecated), inspired by playnext.cn.

受当时的软件应用与游戏资源分享网站异次元前线的启发,创建了网站异次元学习前线 Learnext.cn,分享慕课与在线学习资源。(已未维护)

2012 - 2013

Worked as Administrator of Campus Network Center in school.


⛹ Habits 兴趣爱好


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